The Church of San Giovanni Battista in Carpegna is one of the oldest ecclesiastic buildings throughout the territory of Montefeltro. Built about 2 km far from the town, the first certified evidences of his presence are back to 1125, therefore we can assume that the original structure is even more ancient. This picturesque and charming Romanesque church came to us in an excellent state of preservation, thanks to recent renovations that have emphasized the beauty. Visiting it, we find architectural elements belonging to different periods, starting from a pillar decorated with a braided belt, due to the Carolingian period. The current plant is of the fourteenth century, with a single nave contradicted by three church apses that suggest that there were originally three aisles; this hypothesis finds support in the presence of a semicircular arc, which was probably the connection between the choir and the side chapels. Inside you can admire the intact original altar in the shape of a sacrificial stone and an elegant baptistery of 1575. On the left wall of the church are evident traces of a fourteenth-century fresco cycle dedicated to various subjects and the saint to whom is dedicated the church, St. John the Baptist. Evocative is also the scene of great beauty that surrounds it, with its rounded and green peaks that communicate a sense of deep calm.

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