The Red House in Bellaria Igea Marina was the summer residence of the writer and professor Alfredo Panzini, which made it build in the early years of the twentieth century and from 1927 he resided there for most of the time of the year until his death in 1938 . A house by the simple structure of brick, built near the railway station, just a few steps from the sea, surrounded by a small wood. In Bellaria Panzini had the opportunity to meet distinguished literary men of Romagna, such as Renato Serra from Cesena, Antonio Baldini a native of Sant´Arcangelo, Marino Moretti from Cesenatico, Luigi Pasquini from Rimini and also Grazia Deledda, who spent the summer vacation time in the near Cervia. Controversial figure, is remembered through the many activities of the Panziniana Academy which is hosted in the Red House, a meeting place for the cultural and literary promotion.
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