The Uso Park in Bellaria Igea Marina is a beautiful example of how the reorganization of the river banks can be transformed for the development of natural heritage; leading anyone who wants to get away from city life for a moment in a cycle-path and pedestrian area of about 6 km, mostly along the river banks, where there are picnic areas, arranged and maintained in harmony with the environment and landscape. The change of vegetation that, from the reed bed nearest the coast, passing through a landscape lined with canals and dotted with a few scattered houses, reaches small woods of black and white poplars, willows, oaks and pine trees, it is really wonderful and gives to the visitor a sense of contact with the ground. Along the path you can cross beloved historic places, first of all by taking the path, the Church of Santa Margherita, church of the eighteenth-century built nearby the ancient Castrum Lusi of which there are still some ruins; you can continue meeting the former Donegallia Abbey and Benelli Castle both dating from the thirteenth century and the Bordonchio Church, an eighteenth-century church which houses an interesting wooden crucifix of the same period and from Emilian School and a beautiful organ of the nineteenth century. After about three miles of trail you arrive in the vicinity of San Mauro Pascoli, crossed by the Rio Salto, recited in the tragic poetry of Giovanni Pascoli, Cavallina Storna, and not far from here is Villa Torlonia, farm mansion of Torlonia Family where the poet’s father was a factor; stated as a Romagna residence of seventeenth / eighteenth century, was placed under the protection of environmental assets. Walking along this path is not uncommon to run into more and less common animal species in the area with flocks, herons and kingfishers that nest in these environments. It is even not uncommon to meet the emerald toad, which found in this peace the place to stay. After this long walk you can go back to Bellaria Igea Marina, where you can recover energy enjoying the local cuisine, for example with a fish soup at restaurant Locanda del Pescatore in the locality Cagnona (Via Ravenna 186, phone 0541 344 701), not far from Red House, or at restaurant Da Gianola (Bellaria, Via Alice 1, phone 0541 347 839) where is also a menu for celiacs!
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