Poggio Berni is a small town nestled between Verucchio, Santarcangelo and Torriana, in the rolling hills and plains between the valleys of Uso and Marecchia. The area was originally settled in the Bronze Age; it saw important development in Roman times and shared the political-economic vicissitudes of nearby Rimini. The current aspect of the town, however, is attributable to its importance in the Middle Ages when, in the 14th century, it became a feud of the Malatesta who fortified the town, and evidence of this is Palazzo Marcosanti and Palazzo Astolfi. Although relatively small, Poggio Berni has a fair number of fine houses that bear witness to its grand past. After the Malatesta, the town was ruled by the families of Della Rovere, Este, Doria and Gonzaga, and by the Papal State. Poggio Berni is also known for its handsome, age-old mills which are still in use and where visitors are taken on a journey back in time before being brought back to the present with local culinary specialities. There are also various events like the Palio dell’Asino, a ‘donkey race’ held every year at the end of summer; as well as many opportunities for walking, cycling and horse-riding in this beautiful green corner of Romagna. Also of interest is the Parco della Cava, where many prehistoric fossils of various species of fish and shell have been found and which have attracted scholars from all over the world. Situated on a gentle incline, the town affords beautiful views in all the colours of an artist’s palette, from the gentle silvery greens of the olive trees to the deep intense blue of the sea on the horizon, along the coast between Ravenna and Rimini.
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